Univance believes that enacting a corporate governance structure which is rooted in our corporate philosophy is essential to running a profitable company. To improve the transparency and efficiency of our business operations, to quickly respond to changes in the business environment, to continue growing, and to improve upon our corporate values, we follow these 5 basic policies.
We respect the rights of shareholders. We strive to ensure equity among shareholders while also creating an environment where shareholders can exercise their rights.
In order for sustainable growth and creation of medium-to-long-term corporate value, we always give priority to the future of people, society and the earth, recognize that fair and highly transparent corporate activities are required, and make efforts to cooperate with all stakeholders, including our employees, customers, suppliers, the local community, and stockholders based on our corporate philosophy.
We appropriately disclose our financial information, as well as non-financial information such as our operating strategies, management issues, risks, and governance, in compliance with laws and regulations. Additionally, we provide timely disclosure of useful information through our website and other means as needed.
We make efforts to appropriately fulfill the role and duty of Board of Directors by making decisions in a transparent, fair, swift, and decisive manner in order for sustainable growth, and medium-to-long-term improvement of our corporate value.
In order to contribute sustainable growth of our company and medium-to-long-term improvement of our corporate value, we will make efforts to develop a system that promotes constructive dialogue with our stockholders and to take appropriate response.
The Board of Directors Effectiveness Evaluation Questionnaire is annually conducted with the aim of improving the function and effectiveness of the Board of Directors as a whole and leading to sustainable growth and increased corporate value, with forming a consensus among directors on the direction the Board of Directors should aim for and the issues it faces.
Based on the results of the questionnaire analysis, all directors shall hold free and vigorous discussions on priority issues for improving the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, incorporate them into specific improvement measures, and implement the PDCA cycle every year.
Evaluation subject: All directors
Evaluation method: Signed questionnaire
Evaluation items:
①Composition of the Board of Directors, Successor development
②Operating status of the board of directors
③Decision-making process of the board of directors
④Information, etc. provided to the board of directors
⑤Dialogue with Stakeholders
Total of 30 questions in the above 5 categories
Overall, it is evaluable that the effectiveness is generally secured and on an improving trend. However, we recognize the following three items as important ongoing issues, and will systematically work toward further improvement.
①Balancing solution of social and environmental issues with corporate growth
②Direction of management strategy
③Risk management system as a Group
In line with our corporate philosophy, which states that ”through continuous innovation and a respect for individuals, we help make the world a happier place,” we are aware that our corporate activities must give priority to the future of individuals, society, and the world in a fair and transparent manner. High transparency means close communication with our stakeholders, including shareholders, clients, and local community members, and the disclosure of useful corporate information to all.
Note: "Stakeholders" refers to people and entities that have a direct and/or an indirect interest in a company's operations and corporate activities. Specifically, "stakeholders" includes shareholders, clients, suppliers, employees, and members of the local community.
Suppliers are important partners for Univance.
In making transactions, we implement compliance over respect for human rights, environmental conservation, health and safety, and always ensure fairness and equitable based on clear and objective judgment standards, aiming to build relationship of trust and to achieve mutual prosperity.
For us employees, satisfaction in the workplace involves several factors, from basic working conditions such as compensation to providing a workplace where individuals can achieve self-actualization. We believe that a company should be a place where each of us can maximize our potential and grow as human beings.
In accordance with our spirit of self-reliance, we seek to meet these goals by respecting basic human rights and by also following regulations and labor relations laws. By adhering to our internal policies, we strive to protect order and morality as we faithfully conduct our duties and as each person strives to reach his/her full potential through professional development.
(excerpt from the Univance Compliance Manual)