It seamlessly and automatically switches between four optimal drive modes with two motors and two-speed shifting according to the driving conditions, achieving high driving performance while maintaining low power costs.
1motor Low mode is used from start to low speed.
The torque of only the left motor is transmitted to the tire via the Low gear.
1motor High mode is used in the running scene with reduced power consumption at high speed from the medium speed.
Only the torque of the right motor is transmitted to the tires via the High gear.
2motor Low / High Combination mode is used for driving scenes that require power, such as uphill roads.
The left and right motors are operated at the same time, and the output is combined on the second axis and transmitted to the tires.
The 2motor High mode is used in driving scenes that require powerful acceleration at high vehicle speeds, such as high-speed merging and overtaking.
When the left and right motors have the same rotation speed and the dog clutch on the first axis is operated, the left and right motors are directly connected and their torque is combined.
The combined torque is transmitted to the tire via the High gear.
Regeneration is possible in two modes, 1motor High and 2motor High.